We added new features to the Custom Field Suite

We developed Custom Field Suite in response to the needs of our customers, the everyday Jira users – more visual, eye-catching custom fields. Custom Field Suite provides the most common custom field types to take the UX to another level and customize Jira for different use cases.

The first app release had six custom fields in the suite: MoSCoW prioritization, Calculated fields, T-Shirt sizing, Progress Bar, Issue Ratings and Select Picker. We focused on these custom fields for better prioritization and easier progress tracking. Star ratings, progress as a filled-in line, estimating with a T-shirt size, you name it!

New Custom Fields

To streamline business processes and further enhance the user experience, we have added the following powerful custom field types to the new app version:

  • Multilevel Select Picker
  • Traffic Lights
  • Currency
  • Min/Max
  • Decimal Number


Multilevel Select Picker

While the standard Jira cascading field has only two levels, the Multilevel Select Picker allows you to create a cascading select field with an unlimited number of levels. Your Jira users will have a better experience with the Multilevel Select Picker available on every screen in Jira. Multilevel Select Picker is a great custom field for reporting. It definitely makes daily work more effective as you can select an option instead of writing it into a query every time.

Traffic Lights

Ready, Set, Go! Or in Jira language: To Do, In progress, Done! We have found that traffic lights send a signal that can also indicate the progress of a Jira issue. To keep with the more visual, eye-catching custom fields that our customers need, we created Traffic Lights custom field that lets you track the status of important issues attributes. Make it easier for your Jira users to keep track of work by adding red, yellow or green lights to mark progress.


In this release, we also focused a bit more on the numbers that might be beneficial for your team to see within an issue. The first of these custom fields is the Currency (Price). This custom field allows you to display a price that is automatically converted to a decimal number (two decimal places) and add your currency.

Decimal number

Continuing with the numbers, we also developed a Decimal Number custom field. It gives you the option to display numbered fields as decimal numbers. If you can’t count all the zeros or just wants to have a clear overview of the issue, this is just what you need. For example, if you write 1000000, this will automatically be transferred to 1,000,00.00. Before creating the Decimal Number custom field, you can decide whether you want to have one, two, or three decimal places.


The last custom field in this release is the Min/Max Range. This custom field allows you to define the range of values for the custom field type number. Have in mind that your Jira administrator is the one who creates and configures the custom field and is also the one who sets the actual minimum and maximum value. Any number outside will be marked as “out of the defined range.”


Curious about the other updates to the Custom Field Suite app? Learn more here.

Check out the full list of custom field types available in the app. Your use case is not covered? Contact us today.

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