Atlassian Update: Forge is now available for Jira Service Management


Atlassian has announced that Jira Service Management extension points are now available for Forge! This enhancement has a special impact on our app development, as we now have more extensive options to develop apps in Forge and further extend existing ones that can customize Jira Service Management.

Background on the update

The extension of Forge is to be rolled out to the entire Atlassian product portfolio in the near future. With the addition of Jira Service Management extension points, Atlassian is a big step closer to this goal.

For app developers, this transformation plays a very central role. With the latest release, developers who want to extend and customize Jira Service Management can now build on Forge, our next-generation cloud app development platform, to deliver new projects.

Impact in terms of Caelor applications

When Forge was introduced, it offered several new features. Since Forge was developed as a FaaS (Function as a Service), the entire development and integration process changed. Applications now no longer reside in an iframe, but are exported as functions and called on demand.

With the addition of Forge on JSM, there is now much more potential for us within some of our current applications. For example, it is now possible to add a field from the Custom Field Suite into a Jira Service Management project. This means that we can add, for example, the number of comments of any other calculated field this way. In addition, we also have new APIs and functions that allow us to either revise old (connect) applications or create new ones.

Another great new feature is the new extensibility points where we can insert our app UI. Atlassian has added the following modules as extensible:

  • queuePage, portalRequestDetail, portalRequestDetailPanel, organizationPanel, portalHeader, portalFooter, portalSubheader, portalProfile

The new modules allow us to now create pure service desk extensions such as custom UI company branding or additional display data for customers or agents.

If you have any questions or need more information about the update or our apps feel free to contact us via Service Desk.

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